I trained as a paediatrician in Singapore and in paediatric endocrinology at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, started the paediatric endocrinology service in KK Children’s Hospital in 1997 , and also helped to start adolescent medicine services in KK Childrens Hospital in 2007.
I have travelled to and taught on diabetes and endocrine topics all over the world both in developed and developing countries, on every continent except Antarctica . I have been looking after children and young people with diabetes of all types since 1992, been a somatropin prescriber since 1993-4, and an pump prescriber since 1998-99. I have spent much of my career in public hospital practice but also more than a decade in various international NGOs, professional organisations, and a few years in parliament, and in the last few years, teaching healthcare providers in Asia and Africa.
My policy is to try and assess my patients as carefully and thoroughly as I am able, and to try to get to the bottom of the problem. Then I will try to explain to the patient, the parents and family members what is going on, what can and what cannot be done. If treatment is possible, we will go through the various options together and take it from there, to choose what is in the best interest of the child and the family, in the context of the country, the culture and the constraints of time and resources. If treatment options are not possible or expectations cannot be met, I want to be up front with you, so that you will not be disappointed later, by me or by another healthcare provider.
One of 4 main authors : Diabetes in Children and Adolescents. 1st Edition, 2010
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