Glucose Monitoring and CGMS
Have you ever wondered why your blood glucose patterns are too high, too low and often never right no matter?
Have you ever wondered why your blood glucose patterns are too high, too low and often never right no matter?
Endocrine problems in childhood include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, precocious puberty
Growth medication can be of great help to people who are short and who are still able to grow.
To achieve optimum long term health and reduce or delay the onset of diabetes complications.
Dr Lee is a pioneer in the use of medtronic CSII pumps in Singapore, having initiated them in paediatric patients since 1998.
Monday – Friday 9 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM
Sunday Upon appointment
Phone +65 6235 3678
SMS + 65 9710 7136
Email enquiries@drwarrenlee.sg
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