The objective of good diabetes treatment is not to take less medication or fewer injections, but to manage the condition as a whole so that the person with diabetes is able to take part in all normal daily activities with minimal restrictions as a result of the diabetes, to achieve optimum long term health and reduce or delay the onset of diabetes complications.
Eating Disorders in Adolescence
Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Eating Disorders Not Otherwise specified ( EDNOS ) may all have effects on growth, puberty, bone health ( bone mineral densitiy and calcium accrual ).
While the psychological aspects of these disorders are often emphasized, it is important to consider evaluation and treatment for the endocrine aspects of these disorders, especially if they occur in the context of a teenage who has Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Diabetes in Children, Young adults and older people
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the body has mistaken its own pancreas to contain foreign or enemy germ cells. The body then tries to kill these foreign or enemy cells through the actions of the immune system. When enough pancreatic cells have been destroyed, the body gradually develops Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Type 2 Diabetes is associated with obesity, a family history or diabetes, having been born bigger than normal ( LGA or Large for Gestational Age ) in children whose mothers had diabetes in pregnancy ( GDM or gestational diabetes ).
Type 2 Diabetes used to be only seen in middle aged adults, but in recent years, we find that younger and younger individuals are developing this form of diabetes , and children as young as 10 yrs old can develop this form of diabetes. It is associated with a pigmentation at the back of the neck called Acanthosis nigricans
Can babies get diabetes ?
Babies can have diabetes too. Often babies diagnosed with diabetes in the first year of life can have rare forms of diabetes caused by single gene defects such as MODY. Diabetes in this age group can be transient or permanent and need specialised care, as both low blood sugars and high blood sugars can cause damage to the brain